Friday, October 28, 2011

What I Need

I need to get off my ass and stop playing Rage, the game my amazing hubby got me, so that I can try out my new Sugarpill colors that I got over two days ago! I figured today would be a great day to try out some new looks before Halloween and do some swatches for you.

That's the hubby and I. I'm not angry, I just don't smile for pictures. No particular reason, I just always end up plastering on a cheesy fake smile that nobody believes anyway.

 My daughter is going as Hello Kitty and I have some cool ideas for makeup, I'm just not sure how they will translate. The nice thing is that she's five so she's never really disappointed, she's just excited that she actually gets to wear makeup out of the house, something she knows she can't do until she's sixteen. Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays and I do love to dress up and play human Barbie, unfortunately I don't think I'm going anywhere this year.

On to more interesting things, I'm a couple of days behind but wanted to share my thoughts on 2011's sexiest shoe. The winner was a pair of beige and black lace and leather pumps by Valentino that retail for $695. Not a bad deal when you consider the runner up shoe by Jimmy Choo cost over two grand. I happen to love the shoe, not that I will be getting them any time soon as my husband thinks there's more important things to spend money on like paying our mortgage. I'm not a huge fan of the Choo's. I get that they are absolutely beautiful but I feel like I've seen it before, in fact I feel like I already own the exact same shoe minus the actual crystals. I must say, I'm a little bias since I'm not a fan of these types of shoes in general. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a taller and thicker woman, they end up looking too dainty on me. Like I'm trying to crush the shoe rather than wear it.  The Prada boots that came in third are to die for. I do realize I just said the sandals were done to death and then complimented the boot even though they are as simple as it gets but I'm a sucker for a beautiful leather boot. The Chrissie Morris ankle boots that came in forth are super cute and I'm loving the heel. I don't usually do a peep-toe boot but I'd certainly rock these. I was surprised to not see Loub's on the list considering he was number one last year and had some killer shoes this year but I think ultimately people did a good job in choosing the right shoes for the list. 

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